Ukrainian Folk Song Celebration
“I Pray for Peace in Ukraine”
Join me for a very special event that will touch your heart - Ukrainian Folk Song Celebration “I Pray for Peace in Ukraine.” It's a musical event that brings hope and unity at these challenging for Ukrainians times. As my homeland is for years in fire, I sing Ukrainian Folklore Songs as my way to Pray for Peace in Ukraine, Europe in general and the Entire World.
In my private life I am known as Kseniia Marchuk. My artistic name is Alice Adams. I am a 23 years old native Ukrainian folklore singer with over decade of study and practice at my heart land. I am honored to present you a solo program as my tribute to the global effort to bring the end to this flowing stream of the blood and tears in Ukraine. Through these songs, so dear to my heart, I Pray for Peace in Ukraine and invite you to join me in prayer by listening to my voice guided by my heart. My disabilities do not allow me to dance, but I'll do my best to sing my heart for you.
Ukrainian folklore tradition counts hundreds of thousands songs, some of which dating back to some three thousand years. Ukrainian folklore are more than just songs — they are a reflection of our soul, our history, our emotions and our love to life.
My program includes Ukrainian folk songs that I sing with an accompaniment of an instrument or a cappella depending on the composition. I will show you only the beautiful side of Ukraine – its reach folklore culture, as the ugly side you can see on your TV screens every day. I hope you’ll enjoy as I perform these enchanting songs. Each of them has its own mood, color and story, and I invite you to explore these stories together by diving into this charming world of the Ukrainian Folklore Songs Celebration:
Celebration of Ukrainian song
Свято української пісні
“Я молюся за Мир в Україні”
Alice Adams - voice
Alice Adams - piano
Main Part (First Block)
Щедрик / Shchedryk / Carol of the Bells (1:00)
This famous Ukrainian carol, composed by Mykola Leontovych, a Ukrainian composer from my hometown, is now a worldwide recognized symbol of Christmas. It tells the story of a little swallow flying into her nest at coming spring, singing of good fortune, prosperity, and the coming of the New Year. It is a song full of hope and festive joy.
Добрий вечір тобі, пане господарю / Dobryi vechir tobi, pane hospodariu / Good evening to you, master of the house (3:00)
This is a traditional Ukrainian Christmas song in which carolers wish a warm and blessed evening to the host, celebrating the birth of Christ. It’s a joyous invitation to share in the happiness of this sacred moment.
Женчичок-бренчичок / Zhenchychoch-brenchychoch / Little reaper (2:30)
A cheerful and lively folk song about a young reaper working in the fields, full of energy and playful spirit. The song reflects the vibrant energy of rural life and the hard work of harvest time, portraying a sense of youthful vigor and joy.
Сіла птаха / Sila ptakha / A bird has landed (3:15)
This poetic and mysterious song tells the tale of a bird that has flown from distant lands, bringing messages and news. It symbolizes the arrival of important changes, emotional transformations, and long-awaited communications from afar.
Ой на горі жита много / Oy na hori zhita mnogo / There’s plenty of rye on the hill (2:50)
A lighthearted and fun folk song that celebrates the bountiful harvest of rye on the hill. The song represents the prosperity of the land and the joy that comes with a fruitful season, reflecting the connection between the land and its people.
Break (10-15 minutes)
Main Part (Second Block)
Купала на Івана / Kupala na Ivana / Kupala Night (3:10)
This mystical song celebrates the traditional Ukrainian holiday of Ivana Kupala, which takes place on the summer solstice. The holiday is marked by bonfires, dances, and rituals aimed at invoking love, fertility, and the power of nature. The song invokes a sense of magic and connection to ancient traditions.
Ой у гаю при Дунаю / Oy u hayu pry Dunayu / In the grove by the Danube (3:25)
This romantic song transports us to a beautiful Ukrainian landscape near the Danube River, where the melody evokes a peaceful walk through a green grove, surrounded by the sounds of birds and nature. It’s a song that celebrates the beauty of nature and the serenity found within it.
Ой чий то кінь стоїть / Oy chyy to kin’ stoyit / Whose horse is standing there? (3:20)
This dramatic and emotional folk song speaks of a longing heart, asking whose horse is standing by the road. The song delves into themes of separation, hope, and the longing for a loved one, filled with deep emotional intensity.
Ой на горі два дубки / Oy na hori dva dubky / Two oaks on the hill (2:40)
A lively folk song celebrating the strength and unity of two oak trees growing together on a hill. Symbolizing friendship, support, and togetherness, it is a joyful song that encourages celebration and dancing with friends and loved ones.
Ти ж мене підманула / Ty zh mene pidmanula / You tricked me (3:05)
This playful and humorous song tells the story of a romantic encounter, where one person tricks or deceives the other in a flirtatious way. The song reflects the fun and teasing nature of love, and the lighthearted misunderstandings that often accompany it.
Мамина сорочка / Mamina sorochka / Mother’s embroidered shirt (4:10)
A deeply emotional and touching song about a mother’s love, symbolized by the traditional embroidered shirt passed down from one generation to another. The shirt carries the warmth, care, and memories of a mother’s nurturing presence, symbolizing family connections and the deep bonds of love.
Я ніколи ні кому тебе не віддам / Ya nikoly nikomu tebe ne viddam / I will never give you to anyone (3:50)
This passionate and heartfelt song expresses a strong, unbreakable love. The singer promises to never give their beloved away, no matter what happens, symbolizing loyalty, devotion, and a deep emotional connection.
Реве та стогне Дніпр широкий / Reve ta stohne Dnipro shyrokyi / The Dnieper roars and groans (4:00)
A powerful and emotional song based on the poem by Taras Shevchenko, it describes the mighty Dnieper River roaring as it witnesses the hardships and suffering of the Ukrainian people. The song conveys the strength of the nation and the pain of historical struggles, but also the resilience and spirit of Ukraine.
Ой під вишнею під черешнею / Oy pid vyshneyu pid chereshneyu / Under the cherry tree (3:30)
This humorous and playful folk song portrays an older man’s love for a young girl, with the relationship characterized by light teasing and affection under the shade of a cherry tree. It reflects the charm of flirtation and the humorous aspects of romance.
Україна / Ukrayina / Ukraine (4:20)
This patriotic song is a celebration of Ukraine’s beauty, strength, and resilience. Filled with pride and love for the country, it expresses the spirit of unity and national pride, making it the perfect ending to our program.
Dates of presentations and venues to be announced.
To book the show for a specific date at your venue please contact us with details using the link below.